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I am 42 years old, a lawyer, and the proud father of Camila (7) and Maika (4). They, along with my wife Becky, are what keeps me going. I also find happiness in my work, spending time with friends and family, staying physically active, and other little joys of life. Despite the health challenges, I am trying my best to lead a normal life at home and work.

Today, I find myself in a difficult situation and for the first time, I find it necessary to ask for the support of my family, friends, and anyone who will join me in this fight.

I am facing a medical emergency: I need to undergo a fourth organ transplant surgery, specifically my third liver transplant. This is a life-or-death intervention which must take place in the next few months, either in Mexico or in the United States. Unfortunately, I no longer have insurance to cover these expenses.

Allow me to share a little bit more about my story...

I was born in 1981 and, 15 days after coming into this world, I was diagnosed with an extremely rare disease called biliary atresia, which unfortunately leads to a life expectancy of barely a month. Against all odds, I underwent an extremely complex surgery and miraculously managed to survive. I was able to have a relatively normal childhood and go to elementary school, but at the age of 9, my health started to deteriorate. I was in intensive care many times and was diagnosed with cirrhosis at the age of 10. I was informed I needed an emergency liver transplant.

In 1991, it was not possible to have a liver transplant in Mexico and having it in the U.S. cost 2.4 million dollars. Fortunately, we were able to go on an emergency trip to Dallas, where five other severity of my situation, the doctors decided that I should be first in line and the hospital decided to absorb the costs of the operation. I was to undergo the 50th liver transplant (approximately) in the world. We were informed that if it did not work, we would have to wait a year to receive a new organ. After 15 hours of surgery, my body rejected the organ, but my parents did not lose hope and, miraculously, a second liver arrived only 12 hours later. This second liver did work but I had to undergo 12 operations over the next 2 months. Sadly, I watched the other five children who had surgery after me pass away. I was the only one to survive. My parents and siblings did not give up once again and moved mountains to overcome every obstacle that ensued.

Returning to Mexico, I spent a couple of years recovering and was able to finish my studies. In 2005, I earned my law degree from a top university in Mexico.

In 2010, almost 30 years old, due to all the pills I was taking, I suffered from kidney failure and had to undergo a third transplant: this time my brother Herbert gave me one of his kidneys and the surgery was a success. But each surgery became more and more complicated because of the internal 'rewiring' inside me. The insurance covered around 50,000 dollars for the transplant, but I've had to pay all of my medical bills from my own pocket since then. Thanks to my brother and the doctors, I had a new lease on life and eventually married the love of my life, Becky.

In the last 8 years, I have had recurring health problems. I suffer from internal bleeding in the digestive tract, recurrent severe anaemia, and hepatic encephalopathy from high blood ammonium levels. I have had chronic hepatic rejection for a few years now.

In 2023, my health was compromised again and I was hospitalized several times. My condition has been getting worse since. As my liver does not work as it should, toxins build up and go straight to my brain. I frequently lack the energy to enjoy quality time with my family and friends.

The time has come to undergo a transplant once again. Each operation is more complicated than the last and the insurance companies have stopped covering my medical bills.

We are looking for options to operate in Mexico, but the reality is that the team in Mexico does not have much experience in transplants as complex as mine. At most, they have performed maybe 10 similar operations, while in the U.S., the experience is at least 5 times as much.

I, therefore, find myself having to raise c. 1 million dollars so I can have the surgery at the Mayo Clinic in Phoenix, Arizona. In addition to giving me one more swing at life, I know that with this very rare procedure, science will advance helping many more patients with my condition.

Personally, I suffer a great deal because of the physical pain and lack of energy, but those around me suffer even more. My youngest daughter doesn't fully understand what's going on, but every time I leave the house she asks me if I am going back to the hospital. My older daughter suddenly starts crying and tells me that she is afraid she will not see me again. I'm clearly fighting for my life but I am also fighting for my wife and kids, who still need me, and thanks to whom I am still alive. There is nothing I want more than to continue to put my grain of sand towards a better world through the job that I love and, most importantly, to watch my daughters grow up and fulfill their hopes and dreams. I hope you can join me and lend me a hand.

Truly, from the bottom of my heart, I greatly appreciate your support and solidarity.

I will be forever grateful!

Thank you,


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